In accordance with Botswana immigration law, having a student visa is a requirement for non-Botswana nationals to study full-time in Botswana. BIUST not being an exception, international students are required to have study visas. The University is therefore not permitted to register any international student without a valid resident permit.
The International Student Office seeks to offer non-academic support services by ensuring that all international students comply with the Botswana government immigration requirements prior to registration.
- Once the student has been admitted to BIUST, visa and residence permit application must be prepared. It is important that the student must satisfy the Botswana Immigration Requirements before arriving in the country for study.
- Students are advised to check with the Botswana Embassy in their respective countries if they need a visa to enter Botswana.
All International Students are required to apply for Residence Permit to allow them to study at the university to which they have been admitted to in Botswana, the Residence Permit is also your study permit. Upon arrival, each student is given 90 days (3 months) to process the resident permit.
- Non-VISA Nationals [SADC Countries & Commonwealth Countries]
- Non-SADC and Non-Commonwealth Countries requires visa to enter Botswana
- Please take note that only a valid passport a valid passport will be accepted when processing a resident permit [emergency travel documents are not acceptable]
- If you are a student visiting for a few weeks only you will not need study permit, but you will need a VISA to enter the country if you are a national of a country that require VISA to enter Botswana.
- You must ensure that all supporting evidence meets the immigration rules at the time of application as failure to comply could lead to the application being refused. You must ensure that your application is correct and complete before you submit.
Fully Completed Immigration Application Form D [available at Botswana Embassy where the application is to be submitted]
- Application fee of BWP500
- Application letter
- Admission letter or covering letter from the host institution.
- Certified copy of passport [page showing applicant picture, passport number, date of birth, expiry date]
- Two identical and recent passport size photos
- Copy of sponsorship letter
- Copy of travel itinerary
NB: Please take note that a visa to enter Botswana is applied for when still
Countries with no Botswana Embassies should apply for their e-Visas at https://evisa.gov.bw/*outside the Country.
- Valid Passport [valid at least for the duration of the programme offered]
- Certified copy of valid passport [page showing passport number, date of birth and expiry date]
- Certified copies of birth certificate or identity card
- Completed Immigration Application form
- Proof of payment of tuition fee [deposit receipt for tuition fees]
- Study Permit fee of BWP1500
- Proof of sufficient financial means to cover tuition fees, subsistence and incidental costs [in the form of a bursary, sponsorship letter, or bank statement and/or support letter]
- Medical Report [forms are available at the immigration offices]
- Admission letter or letter confirming enrolment stating the duration of the programme offered [start and end date of the programme]
- Two (2) identical and recent passport size photos [background should be white]
- Student’s application letter [should indicate the duration – start and end dates of the programme]
- Certified copies of previous certificates attained