The formulation of a Science and Technology Policy for Botswana (subsequent to the adoption of Government Paper No 2 of 1994) on The Revised National Policy on Education was evidence of the Government’s recognition of the importance of Science and Technology in propelling economic development.
The formulation of a Science and Technology Policy for Botswana (subsequent to the adoption of Government Paper No 2 of 1994) on The Revised National Policy on Education was evidence of the Government’s recognition of the importance of Science and Technology in propelling economic development.
This national commitment is also highlighted in Vision 2016 which calls for the adoption of bold strategies for industrialisation and the promotion of Science and Technology. The Government recognises the role of STEM in diversifying the economy, improving productivity, increasing national competitiveness and improving standards of living.
As noted above, international and regional trends also point to Science and Technology as engines of economic growth. Among others, nationwide consultations made by the Task Force revealed an overwhelming desire for the second University.
The then Minister of Education, Honourable George Kgoroba appointed a ten-member Task Force with a four member Secretariat to advise him on details of the establishment of the University. Membership of the Task Force was drawn from broad sectors and groups including an external member.
The Task force which was presented in May 2004 was chaired by Prof S. Mpuchane, other members being: Mr F.M. Mawela, Ms D. Tafila, Mr J.B.Galeforwe, Dr D.R.Tau, Mr E.J.Kemsley, Mr L.T.Moahi, Mr B.Z.Tlale, Mr D.N.Mokgethi with Dr H.Motlhabane, Mr E.Odotei, Ms K.N.Sebina and Mr I.Ndai-Paulos serving as secretariat.