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Automated online system-a recipe for viable education system

Automated online system-a recipe for viable education system

Automated Online System is an information system primarily developed to computerise, integrate and control all the activities involved in the collation and processing of student data mostly the academic records. The system not only makes student results collation fast but also easy and error free. It also makes the pool of data possible and information readily available and decision-making fast.

Botswana International University of Science and Technology (BIUST) has recently
launched automated online system to resolve the current manual operated one. ’BASIS’ as the project is called, stands for BIUST Academic Student Information System. The University’s implementation partners for this project are Software Application and Information Solutions (SAIS), their subcontractors Anthology and ICL Botswana who are providing project management services.

‘Today is an exciting day as this milestone gives the University an opportunity to begin to make a mark on the student experience as the students represent a major
stakeholder and clients of the system we are gathered to launch today,’’ said the BIUST Deputy Vice Chancellor Academic Affairs, Professor Elisha Shemang.

In his welcome remarks, Prof. Shemang stated that the implementation BASIS, required hard work, dedication, selflessness, and appreciation of the urgency of completing this great milestone.

‘’Let me applaud all those who have worked tirelessly to ensure that we reach this great milestone and making the delivery of this project a great success,’’ said the delighted Acting Deputy Vice Chancellor, Finance and Administration, Mr.Davis Tele. On that note, he described BASIS as a historic milestone that is aligned to the attainment of the institution’s strategic intents.

Mr Tele stressed out that the System is implemented to specifications, using a Campus Nexus Student System provided by Anthology, a system that is in use around the world.He added that the search is yielded by Symmetric data encryption model to ensure maximum security, since the validity and integrity of information depends on who had an access to it. Meanwhile, the system is able to generate academic results, transcripts, timetable, registration of students, and matters regarding welfare of students among other things.

‘’Today we stand here proud that we have arrived at our promised land, despite of
Covid-19 stealing four months from our timeline,’’ pointed the ICL Botswana Managing Director, Mr. Kgomotso Anderson.

Mr Anderson, who is also the Project Manager, commended key stakeholders and the BIUST community for this major achievement. He also revealed that the system would provide solution to the problems encountered in the school management.

When delivering the keynote address, the Vice Chancellor, Professor Otlogetswe Totolo highlighted that the launch of BASIS coincides with a global technological shift. He further said the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the extensive use of online systems across all sectors of the economy, and higher education has not been spared.

“‘It brings me joy that with the BASIS system, the University is making yet another concerted effort towards leveraging on technology to deliver efficient academic services to our students, staff and stakeholders,’’ alluded Prof Totolo. The Vice Chancellor noted that the initiative serves as the ability to leverage on technology through BASIS among many other systems, hence representing a major move towards a high-performance organisation.

Giving out vote of thanks, Deputy Vice Chancellor for Research Development &
Innovation, Professor Abraham Atta Ogwu, emphasized the automated system is
developed to enhance and boast the general school administration. He thanked the
BIUST the team and their partners for such a remarkable milestone.


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