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BIUST offers qualifications which are designed to help you launch your career, where upon graduating, you will have the requisite skills to be globally competitive and contribute to Botswana’s economy through employment or entrepreneurship.


The University has invested heavily on providing state-of-the-art facilities such as laboratories and other equipment needed to stimulate learning and facilitate innovative teaching. The University has carefully selected internationalised experts who are tasked with delivering quality education to our students and in the process share global experiences.

The University aims to engage and inspire its students to challenge their thinking and support them to fulfil their potential during their stay in BIUST, through a combination of interactive lecturers, seminars, field work, research, practical sessions, industrial attachments and stakeholder engagement.


BIUST prides itself as the first specialised tertiary education institution and a research – intensive University in Botswana, aimed at being a catalyst for innovation and our country’s economic transformation drive. If you choose to study in BIUST, you will be equipped with world- class education and provide engineering & technology and science and research-based solutions which will impact on communities locally, regionally and in the international arena.


The University has adopted a strong academic support model where students are paired with their Academic Advisors to guide and support in their studies in readiness for graduation. Students are also supported by tutors who provides them with practical guidance and extra lessons on a range of academic issues to help them excel in their studies.

As a BIUST Student, you will also have an opportunity for a peer mentor – a trained student volunteer from your course, to help you with assignments and another course material, percolate to boost excellence in your respective modules.


The University is contributing to the country’s roadmap through linkages and industry partnerships with industry,research institutions and other tertiary institutions locally and across the globe in order to ensure that learners have a better learning experience in order to compete globally.

The University has aligned its curriculum to the needs of industry players such as mining, telecommunications,health, information communications technology and other sectors in order to ensure that there is adequate supply of quality skilled force.


Through its Center of Business Management,Entrepreneurship and General Education; the University has introduced a range of modules which are meant to provide students with a range of soft skills on conceptualization of business ideas, development of business proposals, advice on business management,mentoring and guidance towards access to funding as well as exposure to networking events which sets our students on the right path to be successful entrepreneurs.

BSc Pure and Applied Chemistry 

MSc Computer Science and Software Engineering 

MEng Mechanical and Energy