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Its mandate is to provide comprehensive primary healthcare services; that is preventative care, curative care, health promotion and health education services to all BIUST students. The services under this unit are governed by the policies, guidelines and standards of Ministry of Health and Wellness of Botswana.

The clinic is licensed to practice by the Ministry of Health and Wellness and the services are offered daily by nurses and by a part-time medical doctor registered with Nurses and Midwifery Council of Botswana and Botswana Health Professional Council respectively.

Services range from, medical case management; sexual reproductive health contraception, Pap smear/cervical cancer screening, provision of emergency contraception (EC); medical emergency services even after hours and referrals to other institutions for services not provided by the clinic.  The part-time medical doctor visits the clinic twice a week for 3 hours each day. The same medical doctor has a private practice where students can be referred to outside the scheduled times.

The University has solicited Insurance Cover for the students with Hollard Insurance company of Botswana which covers death, permanent disability, and medical expenses while enrolled enrolled at the University.

Health Services has email health@biust.ac.bw through which information is shared with students. The students can ask or send requests, book an appointment for consultation, send complains, and inquiries through the email. The clinic has an emergency number 0800600193 and mobile numbers 73154388/9 where students can at any time for medical assistance. Health Services also does conduct surveys annually to get to know the students’ views on the services provided and suggestion on how to improve the services. 

The University Clinic is sufficiently equipped to cope with the demand of the students’ community.  The available facilities include an ambulance and a fully equipped clinic.

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