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BIUST Inducts Council Members

BIUST Inducts Council Members

Botswana International University of Science and Technology (BIUST) hosted an induction workshop for the newly appointed BIUST Council members yesterday. The purpose of the workshop was primarily for the members to be kept abreast with the strategic direction of the Institution, the developments that are taking place for members to recognise their roles and responsibilities.

When welcoming the new council members, Professor Otlogetswe Totolo, Vice Chancellor of BIUST, extended a warm welcome to Mr Leach Tlhomelang who is a Businessman and a Farmer, the Chairperson of the BIUST Alumni Mr. Desmond Munyadzw and Mr. Lekopane Kenalemang who is the current Student Representative Council (SRC) President He emphasized that this induction program aimed to empower the council members with comprehensive knowledge about BIUST. The knowledge encompassed the university’s structure, operations, and strategic goals. He further elaborated on how their roles and contributions directly impact the university’s success metrics.

 Prof. Totolo also expressed sincere appreciation to the council members for accepting their appointments. He assured them of the university’s unwavering commitment to provide all necessary support to facilitate their effective performance of their fiduciary duties throughout their tenure.

The Executive Management Team provided an insightful overview of BIUST’s organizational structure, highlighting both the university’s achievements and ongoing challenges. Professor Abraham Ogwu, Deputy Vice Chancellor, Research and Innovation elaborated on key ongoing research projects including the sunflower oil production initiative, the anti-micro-bial toilet seat cover, and the BOT-SAT 1 site. Mr. Davies Tele, Chief of Operations, emphasized his commitment to working closely with the council members to ensure effective support functions for the university. He further underscored the potential value of the council members’ contributions in generating new revenue streams through innovative ideas. In terms of teaching and learning, Professor Elisha Shemang, the Deputy Vice Chancellor reflected on the strategic objectives and implementation of all teaching and learning activities and initiatives to enable the achievement of the University’s commitment to foster excellence in teaching and learning.

The council members conveyed their sincere appreciation to the Vice Chancellor and Executive Management Team for delivering an informative presentation. This presentation provided valuable insights into BIUST’s institutional framework, its current and ongoing operations, and the 2023-2028 Transformative Strategic Plan. The council members subsequently engaged in further discussion by posing insightful questions and offering constructive comments.

In his closing remarks, Mr. Kevin Masupe, University Secretary and Registrar, expressed his appreciation for the Vice Chancellor’s visionary leadership. He further extended a warm welcome to the new council as they join the university’s governance structure. Finally, Mr. Masupe emphasized the institution’s unwavering commitment to achieving excellence.

The visitation concluded with a tour of the university’s facilities led by the Vice Chancellor. The new council members had an opportunity to visit the various department labs and the BOTS-SAT 1site.

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